Sustainable contemporary oceanside home featuring an innovative adjustable wooden siding system allowing for home to let in natural light or create privacy.

East Hampton Residence

Location East Hampton, New York

Type Residential

Size 6,300 sq ft

Scope New Construction

Services Planning, Architecture and Interior Design

A contemporary energy-efficient home on a private lot overlooking the Atlantic Ocean features a unique exterior solar control system responding to restrictive site conditions while offering undisruptive views of the water and adjacent marsh. The house is set on a caisson foundation and a house system specifically selected and designed to be placed in the flood plain lot and underneath the driveway, conceived to align with federal FEMA guidelines and local codes. A simple and minimal structure offers an open floor plan, an entry gallery with a dramatic staircase, and a walkway connecting living, dining & entertainment zones with bedroom suites. Exterior / interior materials and finishes are primarily natural and unfinished, offering warmth, durability, and a seamless blend with natural surroundings. A perfect escape to relax and recharge.